My interest in analog video cameras has recently extended to learning as much as I can about the history of deep sky video astronomy. I have searched through the archives of Sky & Telescope and read all of the articles I could find. And, I have read through the on-line forums and checked individual's web sites for more information about the early cameras used. At some point, I would like to write a history of deep sky video and the evolution of the camera technology. To that end, I would like to obtain some of the original cameras that were used in the early days, such as:
Supercircuits PC23-C or PC33-C circa 1998
Supercircuits PC164C circa 2001
SBIG STV* 1999
Astrovid 2000 circa 1996
Mintron 12V1C-EX circa 2001
Stellacam circa 2001
Mallincam I circa 2001
Stellacam EX circa 2002
Watec Wat 120N circa 2002
MC-1 and MC-2 circa 2003
Stellacam II circa 2003
Early Mintron or Watec camera
If you have any of these and would be willing to lend it to me to try out, I would be grateful. I will pay the shipping. Even better, if you no longer have use for the camera I would be happy to take it from you, again for the cost of shipping. You can contact me at: [email protected]